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Night Shift Page 2

  “Well I . . . I’m not supposed to interrupt you guys. Are you sure you . . . are ok with . . . you know, me coming in there?”

  “Yeah it’s fine,” she said. “You know Jimmy, so you’re cool. Just please fix the fucking TV,” she said in a panic.

  I wanted to tell her to sit back and relax and give herself another earth-shattering magic bullet orgasm, but I didn’t want her to know that I saw everything. I’m just a store clerk, I’m supposed to be an impartial helper, kind of like an asexual robot.

  I followed her back into the room. It was like I had the opportunity to step inside of a video game I’d been playing, or porno I’d been watching. It was surreal.

  The two winged pixies were sliding back and forth on the double-sided dildo like their life depended on it. Faster and faster, with one of their wings still fully intact and the other one’s feathers falling all over the floor. I’m gonna have to clean that up later. Dammit.

  I got up on a step stool and went behind the television as if I was some kind of honest repairman. I knew there was nothing wrong with the TV. This TV was just a means to an end to play DVDs, and only one DVD could be played at a time. So I stood on the stool, pretending to work, but was really just watching what was going on.

  I had been stuck at the counter for seven hours, organizing things, ringing up a few purchases. It was pretty standard, and kind of boring. Hanging out in this electro-sex haven was much more entertaining. I liked the lighting. Something about the purplish-blue mood lighting in here that Sandy prided herself on was soothing. No one seemed to mind that I was in there. I blended with the darkness in the corner as I unplugged wires that I plugged back into the same spot.

  With me working on the television, the unicorn was able to focus on Jimmy’s cock. She finally found a way in, and she did not take this opportunity for granted. She slobbered all over Jimmy’s cock, swallowed the whole thing all the way down. Jimmy finally opened his eyes and forced his hand down on her head, squishing her horn. I wasn’t sure how I felt about the unicorn not being a unicorn anymore but I was glad she got some cock.

  The tan girl stuck her ass in Jimmy’s face and resumed to her ass shaking. She kept repeating the same moves, but they weren’t boring. Her ass was perfectly round and mesmerizing, and she knew it. The double-sided dildo fairy team made the sparkly toy disappear between their two wet pussies as they rubbed themselves against each other. They moaned and giggled. The tan girl just kept repeating “Ohhhhh, you like my ass, baby, don’t you?” while the unicorn seemed to have released all mucus and saliva from her nasal passages and throat and slobbered it all onto Jimmy’s cock.

  The two fairy girls both had the most adorable, silly orgasms. They were incredibly loud but I’m not entirely sure how convincing they were. They definitely enjoyed themselves, though it didn’t seem like they reached real completion; they may have just mutually decided that they were tired of the double-sided dildo.

  The fairies spilled out some kind of powder on the table amidst the keg of lube and the Kleenex and snorted it up with some penis straws, continuing to giggle with their tits out. Don’t mind me over here, I’m just fixing the TV.

  The two fairies were technically in the same room, but after the magic powder traveled through the penis straws and into their noses they were definitely transported to a different universe. Their laughter hit a transcendent octave. The look in their eyes turned carnal. Their movements in their bodies slowed like they were walking through mud. The inhibitions they had that kept them having sex solely with members of the same species in the rave animal kingdom were gone, thanks to the magic penis-straw powder. Now they had the confidence to seduce Jimmy.

  The two girls crawled over to him with a look of determination. The fairy with the intact wings pushed the unicorn away, hopped onto Jimmy’s cock, and rode him. The wires from her wings moved in time with her crazy rhythm, and the feathers flew into Jimmy’s mouth with each bounce, but he quickly flicked them out of the way. She slapped her own breasts and pinched her own nipples as she rode him, his giant mushroom head of a penis going all the way in and all the way out, her pussy dripping wet all over his cock. The other girls stopped grabbing at him and stared in awe. I could tell she was looking at her own reflection on the not-working TV. She was proud of her superhuman sex ability. Quite frankly, I was, too.

  The other girls in the room immediately stepped up their sex game to the same level of oomph that the fairy with the good wings had. What was once a half-assed, late night, drug-infested orgy became the raver sex Olympics, sponsored by fairy penis-straw powder.

  “Give me that cock,” the tan girl said. She wasn’t asking, she was demanding. Then she wasn’t even demanding, she was just doing. The cock instantly became hers. These kinds of girls always get what they want. She kept on twerking, but this time on all fours, backing up against Jimmy’s cock. Her face on the ground and her ass up in the air and Jimmy winced, moaned, and cried all at the same time as he thrust his entire body into her pussy. The other girls furiously masturbated in a merry-go-round surrounding him.

  I wasn’t sure how much longer I could pretend to fix the TV. Did they know I was still in here? Should I sneak out? Should I stay? Should I turn the TV back on? What do I do?! In the midst of me fumbling and trying to figure out what to do, I flipped the TV back on, and well . . . it went on. Because it wasn’t broken in the first place. What I mean to say is, I turned the TV back on.

  I fast forwarded the DVD to a different scene in the film, that so happened to be an orgy. I knew exactly what time code to turn it to. This “Four-hour big boob Exxx-travaganza” had played several times in the store before. There was a particular scene in this DVD where several females had sex with one male—known as, I learned from the movie’s box cover copy, a “reverse gang bang.” From that I deduced what would most likely be an un-reverse gang bang, too—which I hoped to explore in other DVDs from this store. But not tonight.

  “I fixed it!” I said with excitement, hoping to get a round of applause from the orgy, but no one noticed. Except the unicorn who took her four fingers out of her vagina and ran up and hugged me.

  “Thank you! You rule!” she said.

  “You’re welcome! Enjoy!” I answered. “The TV, I mean. And everything else. Or at least just the TV,” I awkwardly added.

  On the TV a muscular, girthy male signaled for five females to get down on their knees, and they did immediately, and then he ejaculated an equal amount of cum onto the five girls’ faces. Simultaneously, Jimmy pulled out of the Jersey Shore girl’s ass, masturbated furiously, shimmied and shook his body, and let out a howl like a werewolf at the moon . . . and ejaculated a drop of cum onto the unicorn’s cheek, pulled back, shook around some more, and a few more drops of sperm dropped onto the floor. The members of the magic animal kingdom—fairies and unicorns alike—scurried to lick it off the ground. The other girl casually put her clothing back on.

  Jimmy then put out a few lines of mystery powder on the table for himself. He didn’t use a penis straw. He used a hundred-dollar bill that was previously rolled up in his wallet. I don’t know much about drugs but couldn’t a one-dollar bill serve the same function? I mean, really. That was just excessive.

  To go back give the key to one of the girls instead, Click Here.

  Continue with Taryn in this fantasy, Click Here.

  I opened the cash register and grabbed the key for room four and handed it to the fairy with the largest wings in the group. In this collection of fairytale creatures, the big wings screamed authority to me.

  The fairy with the big wings grabbed another fairy with much smaller wings, along with a girl dressed like a slutty unicorn, and another girl who was not dressed as a part of the animal kingdom and looked more like a Jersey Shore/Kardashian type. They all giggled, and sprinted into room four and locked the door.

  Jimmy was lethargic, and didn’t realize what was happening. He was lost in deep concentration, staring at the back of a DVD box cover for a movie titled School of Black Cock, #3. After seventeen consecutive years of schooling, and a very large student loan eating up half my very small paychecks, I couldn’t possibly ever imagine getting aroused by any pornographic film that reminded me of school. He dropped out early so I could see how he was nostalgic about classrooms and such. I wasn’t sure what to do here. I pretended to be busy rearranging a display case, but then I actually realized that the display case truly did need some different products in there. These dildos looked like they were from the ‘90s. Was there an expiration date on dildos? Does the material erode over time?

  “Hey, uh . . . where did everyone go?” Jimmy shouted. I wasn’t actually sure if the question was directed at me but there was no one else here to answer. I looked away from the retro dildos to address him.

  “The girls are, um . . . in the room. I’m sorry. Everything happened kinda fast. I gave the fairy the key because I thought she was in charge. I’m sorry—you paid for the room, I shouldn’t have done that. I’m still new here—I didn’t think . . .”

  “Shit. For real though?” he replied.

  I had no idea how to respond. What a bizarre fragment of a sentence.

  “Um . . . maybe you can just knock and they’ll let you in? Or . . . I can give you your own room if you want. No extra cost. Then they’ll learn their lesson!”

  I had a déjà vu of my mother who attempted to console me after I was stood up by my prom date. Coincidentally, that prom was also Jimmy’s first DJ gig. I found solace in the fact that whether you’re covered in acne, or you’re covered in tattoos, you still have an equal chance of getting rejected.

  “It’s all good. Whatever!”

  “Yeah! That’s the right attitude. It’s their loss. Really.” I paused. Sometimes I feel like I just can’t stop talking. I have a way of making uncomfortable moments so much worse by just opening my mouth, but I can’t stop it! “Not like . . . I would know. I mean . . . yeah . . . I can just tell, you would be great in there, really, and they’ll be sorry!” Again I am channeling my mother, and nobody’s mother belongs at a porn store at 6 A.M.

  “Let me get a peek, yo,” he said.

  “Oh! Well . . . yeah. I mean, I’m supposed to be keeping an eye on them. I think, technically, I’m not supposed to show customers the security camera, but since we’re like . . . friends . . . and, like, you paid for the room. I think it’s fine,” I said uncertainly.

  There’s a surveillance camera in these sex ROOMZ, and a monitor near my register that shows me what’s going on in each room (the customers can’t see it since it faces me when I’m behind the counter). Whenever someone is in one of these rooms, I’m supposed to keep my eyes on the monitor and be on a lookout for anything that could get the store into trouble; however I’m honestly not sure what I’m supposed to look out for, since apparently anything goes here. Sandy, the owner of the store, explained to me that their old lease grandfathered them into some kind of privilege that allowed them to have full-on nudity and penetration in the store. The only thing Sandy told me is specifically not allowed is any kind of escorting. Or any exchange of money for sexual services (except the buying of the room). Only happy and horny, willing participants can get penetrated here. A four-thousand-dollar butt plug tab that leads to sex is not paying for sex! It’s just paying for sex toys.

  I invited Jimmy behind the register and I sharpened the contrast on the old television monitor as much as I possibly could. If only I had some popcorn, this could have been like the high school date we never had.

  The girls seemed to be enjoying themselves. I was tuning in a bit late, but they were all naked, aside from wings, legwarmers, a unicorn beanie, and the more conventional looking girl who didn’t dress up like any mythical creature had her VIP laminated badge with Jimmy’s face on it dangling between her incredibly large, and very obviously unnatural, perky breasts. I like that she showed her loyalty to Jimmy in some sort of way, even though he spent four thousand dollars and wasn’t even invited into the room.

  The two fairies got on all fours and faced their asses towards the unicorn and the Jersey Shore girl, and began the process of inserting their crystal butt plugs inside of themselves. The fairies helped each other out by touching each other’s clit and rubbing lube on each other’s asshole. The other two girls stared at them with amazement, and applauded their anal abilities. Jimmy gave his own applause on our side of the store. Butt plugs truly brought joy to people in a way I never knew!

  The fairies shook their asses, and kissed each other. One fairy licked the other fairy’s ass; it was sparkly and erotic and so dazzling. I had never really seen an accessorized asshole and it truly was quite beautiful.

  The Jersey Shore girl appeared shy, but curious. She tugged at the unicorn’s nipple rings and played around with her meaty clit ring in amazement. The unicorn’s clit ring was incredibly thick—it looked heavy, like a giant silver weight dangling off her pussy. I didn’t know clit rings came in various sizes like that.

  The in-charge fairy with the larger wings grabbed a Hitachi magic wand—something we sold as “back massagers”—and placed it on the Jersey Shore girl’s pussy. I did always find it odd that amid anal beads, dildos, and ball-gags there were devices to massage one’s back. Now I get it!

  Jersey girl’s shyness disappeared. She relaxed as her eyes went into the back of her head. She grabbed onto fairy number two’s ass for balance, and the fairy rubbed her clit with her own fingers, while grabbing onto the unicorn’s tits, all still with the butt plug inside of her.

  Jimmy rubbed his crotch. I could see a boner poking from the inside of his pants. I had to admit, I was a little wet, too. What an advantage we have as women that we can be so secretive with our own perversions! I don’t envy a large metal-like rod that told the world when we’re aroused. But he didn’t seem to care. I suppose not having an erection at this moment would be worse. His eyes were glued to the TV.

  The unicorn grabbed the VIP badge with Jimmy’s face on it that was around the Jersey Shore girl’s neck, and kissed her ferociously as the Hitachi was still on her clit. Everyone seemed so determined to make this girl have an orgasm. Perhaps once she had one, she would turn into a unicorn, or a fairy, too? Jimmy reached for his cock underneath his pants and began pleasuring himself behind the register. I’m not quite sure if this was allowed, but I don’t think it was illegal. Jimmy was a local hero. He pushed buttons on laptops at nightclubs that cost over fifty dollars to get into. It was an honor to have him rub his own cock underneath his oversized pants in the middle of our store, right?

  The fairy with the smaller wings lied down, and the other fairy wrapped her legs around her head and sat on her face. The unicorn followed suit and laid the Jersey Shore girl down and sat on her face, with the “back massager” still glued to her clit. The fairies morphed into a 69, and licked and fingered each other progressively with more and more fingers inside each other’s wet pussies, until every part of their hands disappeared. It was intense. They continued, until they both started pulsating on each other’s hands. Holy shit! I noticed a small fountain of squirt come out of the fairy with the bigger wings’ vagina. Jimmy continued to touch himself. The Jersey girl then shook uncontrollably with the unicorn’s pussy in her mouth. The back massager had broken her down and given her a greater orgasm than anyone else’s. The fairies licked their juices off their fingers, and the unicorn seemed satisfied to have cum inside of such a perfect pair of collagen-injected lips.

  And Jimmy . . . well . . . he rubbed himself to completion successfully without even taking his pants off. I ran to the bachelorette section of the shop and pulled out a “Tuggie,” aka a fuzzy sock that fits on your cock. A sock cock, if you will. I offered it to him as a complimentary gift. I thought it would be a comfortable alternative to wear for the ride home as opposed to his stained pants. There was a neon green one that I thought suited his style quite well.

  The girls laughed and poured out some various powders on the table that they snorted through a penis straw. They took their time getting ready. They had about thirteen minutes of room left.

  “Do you want me to call you a cab or something?” I asked Jimmy.

  “Nah,” he said, “I got a limo outside.”

  Yeah. Of course he did.

  To go back and give the key to Jimmy instead, Click Here.

  Continue with Taryn in this fantasy, Click Here.

  It’s Saturday night. The freakin’ weekend. Most people my age will be gearing up for a night of bar hopping, and one-night stands. As for me, I will be spending my Saturday among vibrators, silicone dongs, and films as fine as Grand Theft Anal 7. Who’s to say who’s having a sexier night?

  My shift has just begun, and the owner, Sandy is here. My mother’s mother died when I was three years old and my father’s mother died just before I was born, so I never had that grandparent that baked you pies and knitted you sweaters. Sandy, however, had a unique, grandmotherly charm; she called me toots and sweetie pie and gave me kisses on the cheek, but instead of making pie she made moonshine in her bathtub. She also regularly went on dates with suitors twenty-plus years younger than her, and some time last week she fornicated with two men at the same time. (I use the word fornicate because referring to sex as “fucking” when you’re talking about your grandma is wrong—right?) I truly never knew women in their seventies could have such a healthy sex drive, but like I said, I never had a grandma.

  On this fine evening she wore bright pink lipstick, a see-through halter top with giant metallic sea-shells covering her breasts, paired with stone washed jeans, red heels, and a fur coat.

  “You look nice tonight! Why so dressed up?” I asked her.

  “Well, it’s Saturday night sweetie!”

  “Well, you’ve got some lipstick on your teeth on a Saturday night,” I laughed. I pulled out a Kleenex from behind the counter, and she pulled out a pocket mirror and inspected her mouth.
